Veterinary practice serving Glanmire & Cobh.
Riverstown Cross, Glanmire and 38 Harbour Row, Cobh
Glanmire: 021 482 1243
Cobh: 021 4811145
Glanmire Mon-Sa
Cobh Mon-Fri
Comprehensive small animal care in Glanmire and Cobh.
There has been a veterinary practice at Riverstown Cross since 1965, when Glanmire was a small village near Cork city and the clientele was predominantly farm animal based. The practice has had a small animal clinic in Cobh at 38 Harbour Row since the late 1970s. PJ O’Driscoll and Bill Cashman have been the principal partners in this mixed practice since 1983. Following P.J.’s retirement and the arrival of Gene Cashman from Vancouver in late 2019, the practice has concentrated exclusively on companion animals.
Our goal remains the same; to provide our patients with dedicated professional veterinary care in an environment that is comfortable for patient and client alike.